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In April, Turkey increased sunflower oil trade volumes after the sharp decline in March, informed Oil World.

Turkey imported 71 thsd tonnes of sunflower oil in March, down from 119 thsd tonnes in the same month in 2021. The decreased was caused by the war in Ukraine. The experts expect the import volume to reach 150-170 thsd tonnes in April. Purchases may reach 500-550 thsd tonnes in April-September compared to 296 thsd tonnes in the same period of the previous season.

There were no shipments of Ukrainian sunflower oil to Turkey in March (5 thsd tonnes in March 2021). It was 12 thsd tonnes in February.

At the same time, Turkey increased import of sunflower oil from Russia to 70 thsd tonnes in March, up from 60 thsd tonnes average for this month over the last 5 years.

In 2021/22 MY, Turkey may import record 1-1.1 mln tonnes of sunflower oil.

You can get more detailed information about prospects of trade with oilseeds and by-product as well as grain in Turkey and the world at the international conference GRAIN&MARITIME DAYS 2022 IN ISTANBUL that will be held on May 25.