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Trends of Indian market as key importer of vegetable oils in focus of Fat-and-Oil Industry–2021

APK-Inform’s team continues preparations for the international conference Fat-and-Oil Industry–2021, which will be held on November 3 in Odessa (Premier Hotel Odessa).

Sandeep Bajoria, President of Sunvin Group, will be one of the key speakers at the event. He will provide the full analysis of Indian market of vegetable oils as well as pay a special attention to the key trade trends of the current season.

In September, India increased import of sunflower oil to the maximum over the last 4 months. It bought 180.6 thsd tonnes of the product that also surpassed 66.7 thsd tonnes imported in September 2020, data of Solvent Extractors' Association says. Ukraine was the main supplier of sunflower oil - 70.3 thsd tonnes, followed by Russia (60.1 thsd tonnes) and Argentina (50.1 thsd tonnes).