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In August 2023, Ukraine exported 1.2 mln tonnes of wheat to foreign markets, which is 46% higher month-on-month and 36% y-o-y. This is reported by the APK-Inform Agency with reference to the data of operational export statistics. 

TOP-5 importers of the grain in August include Romania (31% of the total deliveries), Spain (24%), Egypt (17%), Italy (6%), and Greece (5%).

"The volume of deliveries to Egypt reached 204.3 thsd tonnes, which is the second monthly indicator since the beginning of the full-scale invasion (237.8 thsd tonnes in June 2023) and is 3.2 times higher compared to July 2023. Traditionally, Egypt is a key importer of Ukrainian wheat. But the volume of deliveries to this country has significantly decreased due to the blockade by Russia of Ukrainian ports on the Black Sea and Azov Sea," - noted in APK-Inform.

According to APK-Inform, in 2023/24 MY, wheat exports from Ukraine may reach 12.5 mln tonnes, which is 26% less than in the previous season. At the same time, the total harvest in 2023 is estimated at 20.6 mln tonnes, which almost corresponds to the indicator of the previous season (20.7 mln tonnes). However, the suspended grain agreement and constant shelling of the port infrastructure limit the possibilities of supplying both wheat and other agricultural products to foreign markets.