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The Black Sea Grain Initiative, in its format until the summer of 2023, has exhausted itself and will not be renewed. This opinion was expressed by the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Mykola Solskyy, reports Interfax-Ukraine.

“I have the feeling that in the format it was (grain initiative - ed.), it has ceased to exist. Already in the summer, it was felt that it was not interested in the world. Grain is becoming cheaper on the global market. In general, Turkey has a record – they are not interested in it,” he explained.

He also added that last year, parties interested in the grain initiative constantly called and were interested in the terms of his possible visit, and “now it is impossible to reach them.”

At the same time, M. Solskyy highly praised the work of the sea corridor, which works with the help of the Ukrainian military.

“The sea is working, it is very difficult for Russia to attack ships. In addition, from a military point of view, it is better to defend the ports of Great Odesa than the Danube. According to all Soviet canons, ports were built in such places, which predicted that they would be attacked sooner or later. They are protected 10 times more effectively than the water area of the Danube,” said the minister.

Speaking about the recent suspension of the sea corridor, which the military explained as the increased danger of attacks from the Russian side, M. Solskyy clarified that, in addition to this danger, there are risks for ships that increase during bad weather at sea, which may come into contact with mines.

In addition, according to him, although high waves do not create problems for the movement of cargo ships, the carrying capacity of which is about 40 thsd tonnes on average, they are an obstacle for military boats that accompany them and ensure the safety of movement along the sea corridor.